About Us
IROI, Indian Rural Olympic Association, Registered Under Indian Society Act. 1860, (Registration No. 399 of 2015) is formed to promote Indian Rural Games and Sports in India and abroad. Indian Rural Olympic Association has no relation with International Olympic Association or Indian Olympic Association. The two main objects of IROI are 1. To promote Rural Games in all over India and world. 2. To promote and develop international games in rural areas of India.
Aims and Objects :
- To promote, develop, the general welfare, betterment and advancement and all other welfare measures to the members.
- To start, manage, maintain mahila wings, youth wings, social-economic programs, sports clubs, condensed courses, schools of all fields, self-development committees / sangams.
- To promote, develop and encourage Indian rural games and sports at national level in each and every part in India.
- To promote, develop and training of International games in rural area of India.
- To provide facilities for training and coaching in rural games and sports.
- To enforce all rules and regulations of the International body in so far as they are related to rural games and sports.
- To be official organization in complete and sole charge of all rural games and sports matters in India and to select India’s rural games team for participation in International rural games championship.
- To authorize persons to form state rural Olympic association to promote rural sports in each and every part of India.
- To take disciplinary action against any affiliated state/unit or organization for misbehavior or any undesirable activity bringing discredit to the country and rural games and sports or which is prejudicial to the interest of the society and for not organizing meets at the state level and sending teams for various competitions.